When an innocent victim is hit by a drunk driver, their world can suddenly come crashing down around them. Car accident victims are sometimes revictimized as they attempt to pursue a fair outcome with insurance companies.
Do you know 1/3 of all traffic fatalities are caused by drunk driving? According to the National Department of Transportation, drunk drivers are often repeat offenders.
Their callous disregard for the law places many innocent lives in danger each year. Our DUI accident attorneys fight for the rights and best interests of innocent victims. We are here for you!
Drunk Driving Statistics Are Maddening
Many people are shocked when they learn over 1.4 million drunk drivers are arrested each year, according to MADD. Drunk driving remains the number one cause of fatalities on roadways.
At Metro Atlanta Law Group, we are advocates for injured victims. MADD reports 10,511 innocent victims were killed by drunk drivers in 2018 alone. This number seems to rise each year.
Every two minutes, another person becomes the victim of a drunk driving accident. If the victim survives, they are often left to pick up the pieces of their lives, with painful and lasting injuries.
Understanding DUI Laws in Georgia
Although most DUI cases in Georgia are treated as misdemeanors, there are certainly exceptions. When a drunk driver causes serious bodily injury or death, they can be charged with a felony.
According to Georgia Code Section ยง 40-6-394, bodily injury includes the following.
Loss of member
Loss of use of member
Brain damage
To be labeled as serious bodily harm, the injury need not be permanent. A drunk driver could face criminal charges and is liable for the monetary losses of their victim.
Drunk drivers may also face stiff punitive damages that are meant to punish them for their treacherous actions. Sadly, this brings little comfort to victims who must deal with the ramifications of lawlessness.
Who Can Be Sued in a DUI Accident?
Victims are afforded certain rights under the law. One of these affords a victim the right to seek the help of an attorney. We are a team of attorneys who help victims get the fair compensation they are owed.
DUI accidents are often more arduous to pursue because there can be multiple defendants. Injured victims sue the drunk driver, but they can also sue a third party for providing alcohol, depending on the circumstances.
We will carefully review your case and determine the plaintiffs that should be pursued for their part in causing your injuries. We hold them accountable for their lawless actions.
Questions Our Attorneys Will Ask DUI Accident Victims
When we meet with you for a free consultation and case assessment, there are questions we will ask of you. Come prepared to answer the following questions so we can get started on your case right away.
Do you know the blood alcohol level of the drunk driver?
Where was the defendant drinking before the accident occurred?
Was the alcohol served at a party or bar?
Does the at-fault driver have any medical conditions?
Is there a way to prove the driver left in a motor vehicle from the place they were served alcohol?
Do You Need a DUI Accident Lawyer?
If you or a loved one has suffered serious injuries because of the negligent actions of a drunk driver, Metro Atlanta Law Group is here to provide sound legal representation.
We will not rest until you receive as much compensation as is allowed under Georgia law. Our team will aggressively fight for you and your family every step of the way. If you have a DUI Accident claim, you may seek compensation for the following.
Pain and suffering (Including mental, physical, and emotional)
Medical bills related to the accident, including future medical costs
Lost wages from work, including a loss of future wages
Destruction of property
Punitive damages
What About the Statute of Limitations in Georgia?
You must act quickly to avoid running out of time. In the state of Georgia, there is a two-year statute of limitations. This means you must file a lawsuit within two years of the date of your accident.
Contact our office right away to schedule a free no-obligation case evaluation. We will provide you with factual information that will assist you in making the tough legal decisions that lie ahead.
At Metro Atlanta Law Group, we become advocates for the innocent. We understand how a DUI accident can tear lives apart. We help you pick up the pieces and rebuild your life.
We Provide Sound Experience
In such a serious case, like a DUI accident, you want an attorney with trial experience. You want to be sure your attorney brings strong negotiation skills and understands the law fully.
At Metro Atlanta Law Group, it is our mission to protect the rights of innocent DUI accident victims. We focus on you and your needs and getting the best results possible.
Because we work on contingency, you do not have to worry about costly upfront attorney’s fees. If we do not win your case, you do not pay.
Schedule Your Free Case Evaluation
The medical bills are mounting, you have no car to drive, and you cannot work because of injuries. Give us a call right away for the legal help you need.
Metro Atlanta Law Group holds drunk drivers responsible for their unlawful actions. Your case outcome is important to us, and we treat you like you are our only client.
With a free consultation, you will discover more information on your rights and the best options for legal recourse. Do not fight alone. Our expert attorneys are standing by to help you every step of the way. Call us right away to get started now.